Note: This site is around for archival purpose only. Look around at some cool art and cringy writing I did when I was younger.

Super Web 2.0 Slidebar! Remember this!


December 14th 2011 - Stopdoor

100 Days!! I guess that means something.

December 11th 2011 - Stopdoor

So the mystery guy who owns renewed it a few days before expiry. Guess I'm sticking with for the next forever.

There's always next year!!

November 23rd 2011 - Stopdoor

Removed the Twitter box because it was too lame and got in the way anyway

It can come back out of the corner once I'm SUPER FAMOUS

Also srsly, 79 days?

November 11th 2011 - Stopdoor

So it's really looking like I don't have the time to add stuff to this site in the current short-term, so it'll be a bit dormant for a bit. Unless some random person specifically asks me to add some content or do something simple.

There's enough 'stuff' to at least pass the "hey it's a real website" test for now, so there's that at least.

November 6th 2011 - Stopdoor

How is it November 6th!?

I'm really losing track of time here.

November 1st 2011 - Stopdoor


Also as another reminder, I should move a section of this news page onto an older archived page so it doesn't extend down forever. Should be easy, but I really haven't had much time to do anything with this site lately.

October 26th 2011 - Stopdoor

Ok, I did get off my butt. There's now a page for Dud's stuff.

Who's Dud? Well, anyone actually reading this at this point would know, but it's explained on the page.

So yeah. Art Page is a mess; badly needs re-organizing. I could possibly repurpose some of the sidebar buttons, considering the Art page holds the bulk of the site's content as I mentioned before. We'll have to see.

I also still have that image gallery code stuff to work on; dunno how soon that'll get done. Batman is still quite distracting and I'm being really pressured by school/job finding stuff.

Also, I bought Duke Nukem Forever from that $1 OnLive promotion deal. But I'm too busy for much fun so I probably won't play it until 10 years from now.

October 25th 2011 - Stopdoor


still alive

I'm gonna get on setting up a page for Dud really soon

really soon as in soon

as in whenever Batman stops being so appealing

as in probably sometime never hopefully soon

October 17th 2011 - Stopdoor

Ok, so I did get off my lazy butt and add on all the video game content I've made. It's a bit rough around the edges, like dealing with some title-centering on some of it, but you can find it nestled under the comic I added before.

It's a bit small and unnoticeable for a fairly large selection of images; I either need to add some better signage or maybe the art page is just getting too cluttered for its own good, considering it's pretty much holding 90% of the site's contents.

But anyway, don't expect any progress on the annoying case of actually devising some code that could run an image gallery type deal like the comics. Because tomorrow issssssssssss


Batman Arkham City Screenshot

October 16th 2011 - Stopdoor

Reason I'm updating nothing:

Rome: Total War

Rome Total War Screenshot

October 13th 2011 - Stopdoor

Man, I totally want to make a horizontal scrolling page for lols... or maybe an infinite scrolling Where's Waldo!!! Make Sense!??

This is my garbage-can site, I can do whatever I want to!!

(I am also using this page as a notepad to write down all my ideas, because darnit why should I put them anywhere else???)

October 12th 2011 - Stopdoor

From September 30th to October 12th, and all I have to show for it is some comic I made when I was an adolescent.

I have been on vacation, but that still seems to be a bit of a meagre effort considering the work I got done before then.

Well, what things am I working towards again?

Random game stuff I've made, possibly lengthening the background and fiddling with the sea monster for larger resolutions, and applying some of that stuff for the comics into organizing the art page. Other than that? I'm not too sure. I've put up most of the stuff I have, and honestly, I've become entirely insecure in my writing so I don't expect that to go anywhere. Any ideas no one??

This site has become a bit of showcase of random tidbits, which is fine I guess, but tidbits take awhile to make without focus. And I don't really feel like attempting to attract visitors when there isn't really an idea of content.

Anyway, I dunno, I've just wrote this to put something new down. Woosh.

October 6th 2011 - Stopdoor

Hello again, my one or two friend people who read this!

Again, periods of 'inactivity' aren't really anything, I'm always slowlyyy working on boring things behind the scenes.

Which is why I'm here to say I finally got some basic JavaScript working so you can page through some old comics from me when I was 10 on the art page. Fantastic! Ideally I would get something similar to work for the rest of the art images, but considering JavaScript makes formatting a small pain right now I'm probably not going to get that sorted out until forever.

Unfortunately, I'm going cottaging for the a few days, so there'll likely be a larger stopgap until I get those other things from the last post ready.

So yeah. Adios, chum people!

September 30th 2011 - Stopdoor

Art Pages updated???

Well, apparently, yes. I've updated a lot of the commentary, some more than others (especially the sea monster page). They've reached a bit of a behemoth size, so I'm considering splitting a few of them into two pages. But that doesn't really bode well for searchability. If I knew some fancy code or was just a bit less lazy I could probably organize it into a more efficient way. We'll see.

Other art sections planned:

  • Old webcomics from when I was 9 years old.
  • Video game content (Halo Reach, Viva PiƱata, Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts, LittleBigPlanet)
  • A Dud section?

Where are the writing articles? Locked in a cupboard and hidden away, that's where!

September 29th 2011 - Stopdoor

Sea monster sighting!


September 27th 2011 - Stopdoor

In risk of turning this into a touchy-feely blog (I put that in italics because this is definitely not a blog and you should feel bad if you think that), I'm going to tell you about the brief events that completely changed my life last night (*probably only sort of an exaggeration).

So, after finally bashing out all the files of this website into a more concise organization of... files, I settled down to do my homework. And by settled down, I mean continued to sit in the same chair at the same computer as I had for the last hour(s). As I typed, everything got hazier and hazier, until finally the Microsoft Word document I was writing on became truly impenetrable for my mind to even look at.

All I could think of was "What's wrong with me? Why can't I just concentrate and do all this work? Am I becoming stupider? Gosh, my life is already stressful enough, brain." I decided that I had to do something else; anything else. But what else? What won't make me feel incredibly guilty over my increasingly poor concentration skills?

Essentially, with everything else going on during my day, time for video games has been squeezed out by doing this very website. But looking at them, none compelled me, none would have made me feel any better. But I eventually saw the one thing that would solve everything. Nothing else mattered; this is what I would do for an hour and seven minutes to clear my mind and restore order to all the world's people.

I was going to watch Batman: SubZero. Batman: Sub Zero

Why this was the solution, I have no idea. I just sat down, put in the old VHS tape, and said screw it to anything else for that period of time. I fully expected childhood memories to cradle me as I watched Batman and the freaking awesome Mr. Freeze grapple over the fate of the universe Gotham Barbara Gordon's life. Mr. Freeze

Ok, in the end, it wasn't the most Shakespearean story, but as the plot winded down I suddenly entered a zen-like calm, and rose out of my chair. I floated back to the computer screen, sat down, and just started typing those homework assignments. All the pretty desktop icons and internet doo-dads that had distracted me infinitely in the past were but a whiff of smoke, and I completed both darn homework assignments in half an hour. Crisis averted.

So in the end, what I'm saying here is; Batman: SubZero can give you flying ability and cure cancer. It is a saviour to us all.

P.S. The whole time writing this the only other thing I could think of was how it's a travesty that this never happened. Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe: Sub Zero vs. Mr. Freeze!

Yes, I did spend 10 minutes making this.

September 22nd 2011 - Stopdoor

...well, I seem to have put up the About Page and an article in the Writing section.

I sacrifice careful editing and preparation for quickly filling in the edges on this website. I'm sure I'll regret that later. No wait, I regret that now. Gosh, please don't hate me. I'm too insecure to die, you know.

...anyway! Expect everything you know, including those writings, to ebb and flow and bob up and down as I edit every inch of this website including words I don't like while online and not offline because I like to take risks and live fast and ride hard and beat... the... game... yeah. I'll likely be hunkering down and cleaning up the colossal mess this site has become behind the scenes, so don't expect a flurry of more content; that is, unless you'd like to add some yourself.

But what I mean is; no updates doesn't mean I've forgotten this site!

September 21st 2011 - Stopdoor

That title was almost going to be Sept. 21th. Weird lisp day, I guess.

Yeah, anyway, to the delight of hopefully most of you, I've been able to get my 10th grade Adobe Flash game to work on the site. So go take a look on the Art Page! Finally there's something vaguely interesting to gawk at!

So, er, About Page should be next. Is that important?

September 17th 2011 - Stopdoor

Has it really been that many days? Well, I've gotten most of the immediate technical issues out of the way... through blood sweat and tears. I'm sure I'm going to regret something I've done at some point later down the line.

But that pain is part of the fun, right? Right?

Anyway, this leads the way for me to finish and sprucen up the art page(s). After that; the monolithic About Page.

P.S. I almost want to put some lame 90s era guestbook for people to write on at the very least, just so I can vaguely check that SOMEONE is reading this.

September 10th++ 2011 - Stopdoor

Just going to put a to-do list here, just to show that even though this site is naked I am slowly working behind the scenes everyday to slowly bring it to functionality. I'm probably going to keep updating this rapidly over the few days instead of a new 'update', so coloured parts are new.

  • Fix Hyperlinks: As in, light hyperlinks on dark pages and dark ones on light pages. CSS classes hate me. DONE
  • Universal Image Centering: As in, a page where every img is centered without me inserting a line of code before every image; example, the art page DONE
  • Add more Content to the Art Page: Once the above two are more sorted out Actually, once the above two are more sorted out, that leaves adding content again, so that may mean separate updates? I dunno, this one is becoming a bit of a mess
  • Fix the Background for really long pages: Use magic powers to blend the bottom of my background image into a solid colour DONE
  • Bring the Twitter box back up: To the first update every time DONE
  • Finish: A freaking About Page (This has come a long way, maybe morphing into something mutant and terrible D:)
  • Possibly divide the Art Page into sections: To make the site look fatter than it is and just for the sake of presentation
  • Add a section: For Dud
  • Add a section: For my website project from 11th grade
  • Finally add: Written article/content
  • Fix: Border showing up half white in Firefox er, DONE

That's everything to do. Lots more work then it looks like! Hyperlinks and CSS classes hate me, so getting to other things on the list will be a small while, especially actually adding quality content. IT'S THE LITTLE THINGS THAT COUNT!

September 7th 2011 - Stopdoor

So this may be a bit rough, not sure how this will exactly format, and I'm a fly by the seat of my pants type of guy, and by that I mean, only sometimes. So I'm testing this live, man. Site went up yesterday, for any time travellers from the future where this site is uber popular. Not like anyone's reading news updates on a site that has zero substance. Heck, I never even wrote an About page like I promised to the one person reading the news on August 15th (me). I'll get on that soon or now or probably later.

Does seem a tad unprofessional hoisting up a tad under-dressed website doesn't it? Only losers do that, gosh. I feel like I forgot to write the script and pushed out my opening act naked with no direction. Thank goodness the theatre is empty, right? Well due to school conveniently starting it's cutting into my do nothing schedule that allowed me to pester myself into doing this site, but then again, I have zero video games to play right now and I do find this motivating to write... this update is fun to write! Yep. Now I need to copy that success to the about page. I also need to fix the minor formatting of the the twitter box, what am I supposed to do about that, hmm? It's all attached to the previous 'update' and I don't want to rip it out forcefully every time and reattach it. Whatever, fix it later, man. YEAH.

August 15th 2011 - Stopdoor

Sev Ideally, this would be a news page. A main, home page. Are news and homepages the same thing? Anyway, this could be the first "update". Click the header to return here whenever you feel like, fool! There's an empty art, writing, and chatbox page(Dunno), and some mystery buttons which just link to for now. I'll get on writing some stuff in the About section, at least. I want to write a bit more so I can see it wrap around old Sev over here.

Does Sev need his own section in the About section? Well!? Thoughts non-existent people?! Anyway, off to do that.

Now I'm just adding a bit more to clear this fancy twitter box I just added. Am I allowed to add onto updates that are already there? Isn't that against the rules!? Man, I'm such a rebel.

Page Background Coral Decoration
Page Background Fish Decoration